Sarah Champion celebrates Labour Government’s funding boost for public health services in Rotherham
Sarah Champion has welcomed an increase in funding for public health services in Rotherham, the total amounting to an impressive £19,420,372 for the year 2025-26. This is part of the biggest real-terms increase, which amounts to £200 million nationally, after nearly a decade of reduced spending under the Conservatives.
Labour is committed to improving health outcomes across the country and building healthier communities. Through these public health grants, local health services will be able to deliver prevention and intervention programmes that are tailored to their residents.
Sarah Champion, Member of Parliament for Rotherham said:
“I welcome this uplift in spending to improve health outcomes across Rotherham. For too long, prevention has not been funded and I’m glad that is now changing, as prevention really is better than cure.
“This funding will help reduce health inequalities, relieve pressure on the NHS and hopefully prevent people falling into ill health.
“This investment into our health services will make a real change locally and I look forward to seeing its implementation.
“The uplift from £18,434,695 to £19,420,372 for Rotherham, equates to £71.16 per constituent and a 4.95% increase from the year before, a much-needed investment into the people of our town.”
Notes to Editors:
Funding for public health grants will be increased to £3.858 billion - a 5.4% cash uplift (3.0% in real terms) on last year’s funding.
The breakdown by Local Authority can be found here: