Sarah Champion MP calls for a national inquiry into grooming gangs

Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, has been campaigning on child protection for over a decade.

“Child sexual abuse is endemic in the UK and needs to be recognised as a national priority. It is clear that the public distrusts governments and authorities when it comes to preventing and prosecuting child abuse, especially child sexual exploitation. The statistics on these crimes show the scale of the problem; the high level of public concern and mistrust only emphasises why addressing all forms of child abuse must be a government priority.

Having worked widely with victims and survivors, and front-line professionals, I have long believed that we need to fully understand the nature of this crime and the failures in the response of public bodies if we are to truly protect children. It is clear that nothing less than a national inquiry into the failings of those in authority to both prevent, and be accountable for their failings, in relation to grooming gangs will restore the faith in our safeguarding systems.

My five recommendations to the Government are to be run concurrently, though by their nature one will feed into another. Transparency and accountability need to be embedded into this process, with victims and survivors sitting at its heart.”

You can read the full plan HERE

Five-point plan for addressing CSE/A:

1.         The Government to implement the IICSA inquiry recommendations with a timetable and ring-fenced resources.


2.         National audit to see if ‘grooming gangs’ are still happening, or have cases been missed.


3.         National inquiry into failings of authorities over grooming gangs – locally led.


4.         New commission work into the motivations of grooming gang members. 


5.         Review if the law is fit for purpose to protect children and prosecute child abusers.

Alexander Guest