Sarah Champion MP demands Government address failings that leave children unprepared for school

IN Parliament earlier, Sarah Champion MP demanded the Government do more to support children in Rotherham who are in the lowest 25 per cent of constituencies for good child development. Statistics from the children's charity Action for Children show that nationally one in three children is starting school without meeting the Government-recommended level of early years development, but in Rotherham, the situation is much worse, where 38 per cent of children, almost 4 in 10, are not reaching a good level of development at the age of five.

Sarah said:

The earliest years of a child's life are fundamental in shaping that child's future. Yet this Government is content to stand by and watch 4 in every 10 children in Rotherham arrive at school on their first day unprepared to thrive.

To read the full press release, click here