Sarah Champion MP hits out at the Government as the number of in-work people in Rotherham applying for housing benefit doubles
New research from Labour has exposed that the number of in-work households receiving housing benefit in Rotherham has more than doubled since David Cameron became Prime Minister. The research comes as Labour warns that five more years of Tory failure to tackle the issue of low pay will cost taxpayers £9bn in additional social security payments.
David Cameron has presided over the largest fall in real terms wages since 1870 with people in Yorkshire on average £1,879 a year worse off now than they were in 2010.
The result has been more people having to call on extra help to make ends meet. In May 2010 over 22,000 people claimed housing benefit in Rotherham; 1,727 of them were in work. But by August 2014, the number of employed claimants had more than doubled, up 110 per cent to 3, 631 people, despite there being just an 11 per cent increase in the total number of people claiming housing benefit.
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