Rotherham MP tells Home Secretary 'we need a national task force to deal with child abuse'


Sarah Champion, Member of Parliament for Rotherham, has called for a national task force to support local police as they investigate and tackle child abuse across the country. Speaking to the Home Secretary Theresa May in the House of Commons, Sarah stressed that local police forces simply do not have the capacity to cope with investigations and that a national task force is the only way forward to deal with the full range of child abuse.

Sarah also described the current Child Abuse Inquiry as a farce and stressed the need for clear communication from the Government. The decision to hold the inquiry was made in July 2014. In that time there have been 2 Chairs appointed and subsequently leave the inquiry, with an announcement still to be made on who will now take the position. Over 6 months since the inquiry was created we have yet to see any action or results.

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