Sarah calls on Government to Recognise Palestinian State
Speaking in the debate, Sarah gave an impassioned speech arguing in favour of Palestinian statehood as a means to securing lasting peace. Sarah highlighted that Palestine already has many of the features of a functioning state: a government, people who identify as its population, and the ability to form international agreements. Many members of the Rotherham constituency have been in touch with Sarah in the lead up to the debate, asking for her to vote in favour of recognising Palestine. Constituents argued that self-determination is a right of the Palestinian people, and is long overdue.
Sarah said:
I have fought for this issue since my teens. The Palestinians are not just a nation of people, they are people's mothers, sons, daughters, and brothers, yet they continue to be treated with little regard for the value of human life. It is our moral duty to treat them as we would wish to be treated ourselves and recognise their right to statehood.
Palestine has pleaded for international recognition for a generation, those pleas have been ignored. Israel was recognised by the UK 54 years ago, it is time we grant the same recognition for the Palestinians. We must recognise their right to self-determination, just as we recognise Israel's. The only way to restore real lasting peace is to negotiate a two-state solution between equals. Officially recognising a Palestinian state is a step towards that peace.